2013년 6월 1일 토요일

Iron Man3

Main character, Tony Stark feel doubts about life as a hero because of trauma of newyork affair in <Avengers>.
While he are confused, AIM that is the worst terrorist attack Stark's residence.
 So, the only thing that is left is his destroyed iron suit. 
He who lost everything should protect the world and his lover from danger.

Because of destoryed suit, he got his tail in a gate.
However, we can be more fascinated to iron manwho lay himself open to attack than iron man who are perfect.
Also, you can feel compassion for him in <Iron man3>.

Didn't you watch <Iron man1,2>? But don't worry~
You can fully understand!
There are lots of scenes with a real cliffhanger,
and good shows due to a large-scale screen.

After the long ending credit finish, watch bonus video!
 Bonus video implies the story that the director want to say in Iron man3.

* trailer *

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